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Be a good rebel

At Heura they are rebels with a cause.
Their mission is to face the issues originated by the current food system, offering proteins that have a positive impact on the planet through sustainable, nutritious and delicious food. The new meat era is plant-based and it’s name is Heura.

Brand: Heura by Foods for Tomorrow
Agency: Xavier Olivé
Year: 2019

Director: Pau Ardèvol
Producer: Cateria Cladera
DOP: Michele Falci
Art Direction: Nerea Zuriguel & Aroa Rey
Edit & Sound: Gonzalo Rielo
Gaffer: Tarek Recolons
Electric: Bull
Design: Xavier Olivé

Sesión fotos rodaje Spot Heura Sesión fotos rodaje Spot Heura Sesión fotos rodaje Spot Heura Sesión fotos rodaje Spot Heura Sesión fotos rodaje Spot Heura Sesión fotos rodaje Spot Heura